Just how flexible should a person or a group be?

What I mean is this: If I or anyone for that matter, has a strong Religious belief or faith in God, at what point should they be willing to compromise?

I personally have some very ridged absolutes that I will not bend or compromise on, in my faith.  I hold them as truths that do not change with time, thoughts, feelings or traditions of men.  They just are.

However, there are things that I think I know, then I find out, I did not know every thing about a subject.  At that point I can be flexible and learn more.  Therefore in my thinking, I can compromise.

It is no different then for people in a Religion not to be willing to bend or compromise their beliefs.  They are established doctrines that they believe they must adhere to.  These things are not open to change by the whims, thoughts or feelings of the group.

There are those in their unbelief in a Religion or God, that are just as inflexible and not willing to compromise on their stance.  Unbelief is there right as well.

Thoughts change, whims change, feelings are ever changing, thus society changes.  I question; does that give license to force acceptance of these changes on everyone?

I say it does not.  No person, group or Government has the right to force acceptance of or belief in anything.  This includes political correctness and social changes.

Stretching and bending established truths and norms will not make them acceptable to everyone and it should not.  Forced teachings, theological or secular are tyrannical and do not foster belief.  Belief in anything is a free will expression of the person that believes.

In conclusion, Faith in God and Religious beliefs are not like physical exercise that if one bends and stretches enough, changes for the better will occur. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen and beliefs are set standards that one holds on to by faith.